Legislation Permanent make up
The Royal Decree 25th Nov 2005 has taken a large part (but not all) of the measures in the Hygienic Code of Good Practice of Bhql 2003. This RC adopted and made it mandatory.
The existing legislation contains a number of points that can be improved. The professional point of view, and experience are of upmost importance. There are also cases where the Belgian State has not yet developed regulations, for ex. on the composition of the inks.
The Bhql would therefore continue to remain on the advisory professionals, governments and ordinary consumers.
BHQL is invited to participate at an international scientific project 'Cornet' the subject 'Health Safety in connection with the use of tattoo and permanent make up. This project was followed by IWT.
The Bhql contributed to this major international project "Cornet". This is part of scientific research within EURANET network and will include the Bhql (consulted only professional club in Europe) prepare a European directive which would later serve as a basis for European legislation on permanent makeup, tattoo.
Today professionals in permanent make up, microblading, tattoo are obliged to follow the hygienic cours. Professionals have to register themselves karine.pasteels@sante.belgique.be